Thursday 29 April 2010

all paths are valid..

It doesn't really matter what religion anybody believes. If their life is working (and there are many different approaches to life that are working very well) then why not let them believe whatever they want to believe? It's all working in the way that it is supposed to be. There are religions that you wouldn't want anything to do with, that are perfect mechanisms for the people who are involved in them. And therefore, they are a very good thing.
--- Abraham

Wednesday 28 April 2010

life and death..

You cannot judge the value of a life by its quantity. It is by the joy that you are feeling. The more joyful you are, the longer you live. Let yourself relax and breathe and be free and be joyous, and romp. The optimum physical life experience is to have plenty of things that stimulate you to desire, and an awareness of the way you feel, so you're reaching for thoughts that feel good--so you're wide open, so you're tuned in, tapped in, and turned on. We promise you, the timing of your death is always chosen by you. Chicago, IL -- 9/7/02
--- Abraham

Monday 26 April 2010


Blessed warrior, be at peace. This journey is not for the faint of heart, no.

perfection unfolding..

If you knew everything was really all right, and that it always has a happy ending, then you would not feel trepidacious about your future. Everything is really so very all right! If you could believe and trust that, then, immediately everything would automatically and instantly become all right.
--- Abraham

Saturday 24 April 2010

positive expectation..

The greatest gift that you could give to anyone you love is the gift of positive expectation. But you can't give someone positive expectation until you know the Laws and have practiced them yourself enough so that they are very familiar.
--- Abraham

Thursday 22 April 2010

proper education..

comes from within, inbuilt software, use it!

we don't need no education
we don't need no thought control
no dark sarcasm in the classroom
teacher leave them kids alone
hey! teacher! leave them kids alone!
all in all it's just another brick in the wall.
(all in all you're just) another brick in the wall.

Wednesday 21 April 2010


Holding this resonance, the truth that only Love is Real,
you can stand then in the world as this beacon, as the
answer to the question that is asked by every circumstance
in which human beings find themselves beleaguered or in
difficulty. Hear the living Spirit whisper in your heart,
asked and answered, "Only Love and freedom…"  Circle of Light