Monday 23 May 2011

The Phases of Embodiment by Lauren C Gorgo

Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Phases of Embodiment

"We understand that the pull to resort to your old ways can sometimes be very strong, and by resisting those lower forces, rather, detaching from them, you are fully actualizing the divine template within you to become the master of worlds that you already are.  For that inner-strength, and for your willingness to exercise it, we are beyond delighted." -Seven Sisters of Pleiades

Crunch Time

With only 9 days left in May and while slowly being sucked into another famed eclipse sandwich (Solar Eclipse on 6/1, Lunar Eclipse on 6/15, followed by another Solar Eclipse on 7/1), we are officially in what I would call, crunch time. There is that familiar manic feeling of "so much to accomplish, so little time/energy" encircling us, in addition to some conflicting feelings arising about where this journey is actually taking us and what the collective cosmic shitstorm has really been about.

In the last couple days, right when the moon entered practical Capricorn, it felt like we prematurely bore a hole through our cozy cocoons and fell flat to the earth.  This was/is a very sobering experience, one that is really grounding out any possible delusions or escapisms we may have bought into along the way as well as providing us with a much-needed backdrop of practical sensibility before we get vacuumed up into that wormhole.

I, for one, am grateful for the sobriety because it clears some long-standing confusion about whats real…but, that being said, it can also be difficult to grasp the higher-dimensional concepts from this grounded space which can bring up deep layers of self-doubt, leaving us feeling unsure/insecure about not only our next steps, but about the entire journey we took to get here. The unseens say we are just joining worlds...connecting the spiritual realm to the physical one and integrating a more visceral-based understanding of that, which in the interim can feel both real, and surreal at the same time.  In other words, our physical bodies are coming to understand what our minds have known for years.

On one hand, we are about to jump, face first, into completely unknown territory…territory that forces us to remain conscious and utilize our meticulously-honed skills in mastery…but on the other hand, we are being sorely tested in faith of our absolute truth so that we can release any remaining limitations about what we feel is possible.  This process varies for all, but one thing is true for every one of us…where we end up on the other side of all this will be a direct result of how fearless we dare to be right now.

This means that we have literally been dredging up the putrefied (e)goo at the bottom of our human-made containers...scraping down the sides of remaining karmic residue, which also means our uglies have been visiting again and definitely wearing their welcome out.  And not just the usual uglies, but those sticky shadow parts of ourselves that we secretly thought we could get away with ignoring, or that were so deeply embedded that we couldn't even see them until now.  Yes, for just a bit longer, we get to play in the (fun) house of mirrors, clearly seeing the multiple ways in which we are still polarizing ourselves by projecting, reflecting and exposing our remaining loveless parts onto each other. And a good thing too cuz I always look forward to acknowledging yet another part of me that sucks.

Speaking of things that suck... we have had to work really hard these last few weeks to lay down our egoo.  As with any toxic relationship, no matter how icky ugly feels we have a tendency to fight for its survival because the pull to resort to the familiar is so strong, so in'toxic'ating, that we find it nearly impossible to refuse its lure. The hilarious part? That everybody thinks that everybody else's ugly is uglier than theirs...when in duality, the only ugly we can see is our own. There is definitely a movie wanting to be made in there.

The external manifestations of these recent excavations may be showing up in multiple ways, like in the ability to finally clean out and organize that intimidating part of the basement, garage, or attic you've been dreading since prom.  Or maybe in something as simple as filing away your taxes from last year, cleaning out your email cache, sorting thru your itunes library, or finishing up those lingering projects that have been torturing you since the harmonic convergence.  Whatever form it takes...all.menacing. goo.must. go.  And that means all things tied to the goo too.

The Embodiment Stage

In the last energy update, the Seven Sisters of Pleiades mentioned to me that the middle of this month was a massive transition point and now they add that we are in the process of crossing over to a higher dimensional speedway of cosmic that runs parallel to the lower dimensional highway of dross, but (luckily) does not intersect it.

They are calling this next step on our journey the embodiment stage, the phase of ascension that releases us from the old blueprint (perception) of service and transports us to the new/true/original/sacred/divine blueprint of co-creation.  This new-human blueprint is activated in those who have neutralized polarities thru the merging of sacred masculine/feminine forces, expanded their energy centers (chakras) thru the clearing of karmic miasms and...once these templates are embodied by the forerunners...the potential will then be available for all of humanity.

If its helpful, think of these awakened and activated souls all over the planet as acupuncture needles that pierce the intersecting points of earth's meridians to restore the vital flow of universal chi.  As these beings physically "light-up", they fire these scalar energies into the life, blood and body of this planet, energizing the human collective with the zero-point field of grace. This is not to say that everyone is prepared to accept these energies into their lives and bodies...but that the potential to tune into this grid is now stronger than ever for those who choose it.


The Seven Sisters reiterate that the second half of this year is very physically focused…that the tender shoots of our new lives are breaking thru the freshly tilled soil that we painstakingly overturned during the month of April, lives that we will grow into the way a seedling grows into a fruit bearing plant….in phases.  More specifically, they mention three distinct phases…. 
"The next steps toward the physical expression of divinity include: the release of the pain/fear-body, the realization of the divine body, and the reunification of earth matter with etheric matter..."

We know that in order to unify spirit and matter, we have to first become the purified vessel by which divine energy can flow thru.  Ultimately, we have to raise our physical vibration to match the vibration of our spirit body so that the two can become one vehicle…which means that we must be cleared of all discordance, to the absolute point of non-resistance, so that the divine body (blueprint) can freely manifest in physical form.

What the unseens want for us to understand is that the physical apparatus (the biology suit) that houses the spirit body is actually as malleable and adaptable to change (mutation) as the spiritual body itself, however it is residing in the lower dimensions and is therefore governed by space and time. (Read: slowwwwww)  So even tho Jesus Christ liquified into his plasmic lightbody in three days (???), down here in the trenches...where we will continue to don these fat flesh suits...we have to abide by the laws of physicality.

So, the spirit body…which is a replica of the physical body, but in its complete perfection...consists of etheric matter and is therefore a malleable substance that forms the template for materialization.  What is happening during this passage is that our physical (divine) blueprint of perfection is meeting the human-made (egoo) blueprint and the two are merging into one.

I'm told that this unification, or merging process happens in the space between cells first so that the cells are surrounded with the higher charge/intelligence of our spirit (light) body and eventually our cells begin to take on, or mutate to align with the higher vibrating source.  **This is the law of resonance in action…a process by which a higher vibrating body of energy will automatically cause a lower vibrating body of energy to match or align with its frequency…think: tuning fork.

The cells then undergo what the unseens call a tightening process…they call it a tightening because for a long period of time we needed to inhabit two blueprints simultaneously…the human and the divine blueprint (which, of course explains all that eating for two). Both sets of plans are apparently in place so we can smoothly make the transition from one body to the next and as we do, we lose those extra 30 lbs the space that existed between cells begins to "tighten" up as the templates merge.

This process is actually more of a dissolution in the sense that we are dissolving a version of ourselves that is outworn, while simultaneously morphing into a spiritual adult…where the egoo identity (masculine/matter) and divine identity (feminine/antimatter) merge into sacred union.

The Phases

The unseens also want to make it clear that this process does not happen overnight (nor would we want it to), but in a series of sequential unfoldments, that repeat themselves and that have already begun.

"The remaining months of this year will enable you to temper a balance between the old world and new, it will be a transition of epic proportion and we assure you that you would not want to rush this process." -Seven Sisters

The first phase that they refer to as "the release of the pain/fear body" is the first step in the emergence process and begins with an internal expansion:

"As the old template is released or dissolved…and this is happening now for the first wave of souls to embody the christed-human template...the spiritual body will first begin to expand within the physical vessel. "

As these energies begin to flood the body and our focus is on the radiance of love, it can literally feel like being plugged into an electrical outlet…you may feel very "charged", like every cell of your body is alive and vibrating…hyper-sensitive, like wearing your nerves on the outside of your body…amped up, dizzy, jumpy, with shortness of breath, fluctuating body temperature/night sweats, irregular heartbeats and/or erratic sleep patterns. These symptoms can be off-putting, especially if they come on suddenly, but know that they are just another delightful part of the process.  If the charge becomes uncomfortable or overwhelming, stretching, walking, breathing and even salt baths can help a great deal.

Likewise, we may also experience these waves of energy as bliss that undulate throughout the central nervous system…these purifying (kundalini) energies are at work to release all remaining density trapped within the body. As well, the body has created new systems based on the intelligence contained within each strand of activated DNA and the energy vortices (chakras) that enliven and govern each center are opening more to sustain these systems. (interesting that the feelings associated with the prophesied "rapture" are: bliss, euphoria,freedom, joy, spiritual ecstasy, etc. hmmmm)

The second phase which they call "the realization of our divine body" is when the soul begins to experience itself in human if for the first time.  The term "reborn" applies here.  This is an integration phase which enables us to ground into/fully occupy our bodies and is required so that our crystallizing template can solidify in form. Thru this period of integration we enable our connection to earth to fortify so that we can stabilize ourselves as we become one with the cosmic heartbeat.

Once the integration period is complete we begin to physically embody the changes set forth by our divine blueprint.  This is the phase where "spirit and matter are working as one"…where we embody the physical essence of our spiritual form.

During this phase we will also experience what the Seven Sisters call a "quickening". Kind of like "moment of truth", when a pregnant woman feels the fetus move for the first time...the Sisters also loosely describe this spiritual quickening as "the moment of truth", as in the bestowal of grace...a term they use to identity the process that follows the unification of sacred energies... an inflow of divine vitality into the body.

"Your earthly bodies will begin to take on a new radiance, a new way of being that will phase in and out incrementally.  You will recognize the new energies and then they will seem to fade away as your body adjusts to contain them in a series of in-breaths and out-breaths, and as you enter further and further into divine union with your soul.  Each phase will have an energy, a distinct essence that you will want to experience fully.  Take not these words as an indication of suffering, but as an indication of true liberation." -Seven Sisters

See you in the sandwich...

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Oui Je t'aime Aussi: The BIG Adventure!

Oui Je t'aime Aussi: The BIG Adventure!: "Ellie & I finally knuckled down to organise The BIG adventure! Route planned, hotels booked & the excitement has now officiall..."

Wednesday 2 February 2011

The New Normal by Lauren C Gorgo

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

11th Phase Lightbody Ascension

In the last article I wrote I mentioned that we were in the throes of some unprecedented geomagnetic activity due to a significant global rebalancing spurred by a magnetic pole shift….or visa versa. I also mentioned that "most likely, these natural events will continue to take place and maybe even increase as the earth sustains her transition into higher consciousness."

Well today, the Pleiadian High Council confirmed that this year and onward there will definitely be an increase in geomagnetic activity…not that this is new news, just a confirmation that what we have been feeling recently around the world is related to the increased levels of light now capable of penetrating the planet thru/due to these various geomagnetic phenomenons: solar winds, solar flares, CME, etc.

The PHC want us to know that this level of intensity is actually the "new normal" that we will all eventually adapt to, and that these energies are here to stay.

This is helpful to understand because just as we are already seeing, in the coming days there will be an increase in volatile weather patterns in addition to human emotional uprisings, protests, revolts, etc., as mood swings border on the extreme due to these magnetic fluctuations. The light of truth is becoming impossible to resist and we will be witnessing this more and more on the global stage, just as it is becoming unbearable to live without the light of truth in our own lives. In other words, once we feel the blissful, transcendent connection to our power Source, we literally can't bear to live without it…this is becoming more and more clear to each of us.

And for those who are up to vibrational snuff and have been actively preparing (purifying) to journey into oneness, I am hearing that these intensifying energies will push us completely into the unity timeline which will enable true neutrality... feelings of peacefulness and objectivity in the way that we relate to the rising global pressures.

The Double Whammy

It's really no secret that I work to humanize the ascension process by grounding the information I receive into relatable earthbound experiences…and while also making a concerted effort to not glaze over the parts that suck... so I will definitely add that you would never have convinced me four days ago that feelings of peacefulness and objectivity could be my reality when (on Friday, 1/28) we endured two, nearly simultaneous, solar eruptions.

Depending on where we reside on the spectrum of consciousness…and therefore the spectrum of sensitivity…these solar storms can REALLY knock us on our human haunches. If you experienced heightened irritability, frustration and unrelenting pressure, hopelessness, unreasonably DEEP fatigue, anxiety, nausea, dizziness/vertigo, sinus sensitivity/pressure, headaches, extreme BLOATING, hunger fits, pain up and down the spinal cord, flu-like soreness/muscle aches all over and manic mood swings coupled with a general burning desire to unzip yourself from your fat-suit this past weekend…then most likely its related to this double whammy solar delight.

Yes, after more than a decade of being pounced on by the Great Central Sun without permission, we are apparently still up for a good ol' fashioned solar ass-whooping.

I mean, really?  Who gets to say when this has gone too far, anyway?

The PHC say that the reason those of the warrior brigade (front line lightworkers/starseeds) are still getting knocked over (read: slaughtered) by these energies is simply because..drumroll please...we are not there yet. I literally can't find enough ways to say that we are stillllllllllll completing this grueling transition from old-world polarity-based consciousness to the unified field of collective oneness where we will (eventually) be stabilized thru the completion of biological regeneration.

And while the biological regeneration phase is not quite complete, I am still hearing good things about March. Here's a sneak peek:

For those who are preparing for the biological completion of their light body ascension into christed consciousness, there is a celestial-based, timed release from 3d dimensional polarity programming…a simultaneous entrance into 5th dimensional consciousness. It is written in the stars. -PHC

(Disclaimer: Keep in mind that when the uber-positive unseens sitting peacefully in non-duality say those famously "good things", this almost always translates into one thing for us mere mortals: OUCH! So be sure to release any expectations (if you can possibly have any left), surrender to what is and things will go a lot more smoothly, I assure you.)

Disclaimer aside, I do feel some forward movement beginning with this new moon on 2/2 (in the northeast), so I don't think we will be idly sitting around waiting to be tortured as usual. In fact, you might be feeling this new energy already, it's starting to almost feel like an actual ability to focus our intentions and make mental sense of all those light-packets of new information that we ingested the last two months but could not decode.

From what I can intuit, its almost like a slowly building momentum that will roll us into an even bigger momentum come the equinox. Tho sometimes we need just enough force to smash thru any remaining self-imposed (block) walls that we have built as false protection, so if at any point your inner humpty dumpty falls apart, just remember that often we have to break ourselves open before we can put the pieces back together again…and in the right order.

But for now, at least for the next few days, we are still sitting in stillness. (Luckily the new season of Idol is here to placate us for a bit longer: ))

And just to be clear here…stillness is definitely not the same thing as waiting. We are not, nor ever have been, "waiting" for anything but ourselves on this journey. Its not as if we sit around and wait for something outside of ourselves to save us, or to provide us the means to move forward as some may think...its more of a process of patience... of allowing every level of our being (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical) to align with the Source within us so that we may be fully supported to move forward and create effortlessly by leveraging the might of the universe with our divine will alone. The patience part is the mastery…the self-discipline that we have meticulously honed in preparation for the proper application of alchemy.

Remember too that patience with this process is not thru consciousness alone... it is a VERY physical process, a remapping of our human software and hardware and one that requires a tremendous amount of physical energy to sustain….hence the years of hibernation. We have to undergo a transformation that rearranges the fundamental molecular and cellular structure of  our body's matter which aligns with and becomes in tune with the molecular structure of the universe.

We can't even begin to imagine the level of biological change that we are undergoing and so the most crucial practice of patience during these challenging times is always thru physical stillness. In other words, if your body is begging you to sleep, there is good reason.  Best to heed to the call, otherwise, you will forcibly be knocked down.

Lightbody De-scension

The PHC want to talk to us about what they call our "11th phase lightbody ascension"... a term they use to describe the full integration of the spirit body as a result of the merging of masculine/feminine polarities and the activation of our new-human 5th dimensional circulatory system.  I like to think of it more as lightbody de-scension because though we are technically a-scending in consciousness, we are actually de-scending in spirit…meaning we ground our spiritual self more fully into our lives and bodies thru the a-scension process and as a result of clearing our mental, emotional and physical goo.

It is the point on our climb where all levels of the light body have been created and activated and where cellular regeneration has been accomplished. This is also the level of development where we attain mastery and begin, individually and as a collective soul group, to come together to create our visions of heaven on earth.

What they would like for us to understand is that the light body is not very different from our physical's a replica which is the same size (well, hopefully sans bloat ; )), shape and with the same features as the body that we inhabit in the physical dimensions, however, the light body carries the blueprint which contains the map for our physical perfection.

This part of us contains the information and the fuel (life force) required to activate all intersecting spin points, or vortices of energy necessary to attain full ascension. For us to activate these points and attain mastery, we have to pass thru, or graduate from, 11 levels of spiritual initiation…akin to a video game where we can only advance to the next level when we master the prior one.

Apparently, over the next two months, some of us will be preparing our bodies for a multitude of physical changes due to this transition…changes that will span many multidimensional aspects of our lives (i.e. changes in diet, sleep, desires, physical functioning,etc.) and ones that will offer us the ability to transcend our karmic miasms. A miasm, similar to the homeopathic definition, is explained to me as a collection of discordant energy that the body holds as cellular memory imprints of misaligned thought and emotion until it has been resolved (neutralized) and the lower four bodies can move beyond karmic patterning (the repetitive cycles of cause/effect).

As a result of moving beyond this patterning, the physical body is then capable to align fully with the light body template and enables an open transference of energy from the original divine blueprint. This light-encoded information from our divine blueprint then passes to and from the physical body in a sacred flow of geometry through various intersecting energetic transfer points.

As a result of this constant energy transfer, the physical vessel can be fed more fully with the food of Source (prana/Qui/Chi, etc) which sustains the radiance and pure health that many of us have been working for, for so very long. Essentially, the elimination of karmic miasms ensures the proper, unobstructed connection to our blueprint of perfection and by which dis-ease ceases to exist.

They reiterate that the energy (light) body that surrounds our physical body is one of perfect creation and alignment with Source. If over time the physical body is not fed the proper nutrition of light due to energetic blockages (miasms) then the body becomes malnourished and degeneration ensues. With the completion of light body ascension comes the ability to eliminate dis-ease entirely and replace it with the proper sustenance that the physical body was designed and intended to be nourished by.

As you might imagine, this will have many ramifications for your changing world and those who first possess the ability to house a fully created and activated light body will be the frontrunners of a new-human civilization. We will have more to say on this matter in the coming days. -PHC

What to Expect

If there ever was a time to let go and trust in what is unfolding within us and before us, that time is now. There is really no way to wrap our heads around this new territory that we are inhabiting... and we probably wouldn't want to anyway because it would ruin the fun of anticipation and the sheer element of surprise. We can however, wrap our hearts around what's ahead as we have undoubtedly become masters at feeling our way forward.

The PHC reminds us that ascension is non-negotiable..(you don't say)…it is a pre-ordained galactic, cosmic and celestial event that is already well underway and one that every living being on this earth signed up for, yet will all experience in our own divine way. They say that to resist this inevitibility is akin to resisting gravity... it exists regardless of our participation. Our participation, however, does make the process less uncomfortable.

Once we have a basic mental understanding of the process, however, we are always encouraged to let go and allow ourselves to be guided with complete faith in what lies ahead for each of us. This time is no different… there is no more planning here, only motivation thru divine inspiration, so we have to ignore any old-paradigm urges to try take control of the uncontrollable.

What shows up for us individually is always the same: the purest, most accurate reflection of our current level of consciousness and state of being.

For those who are aligned with and prepared for the changeover to the new timeline, this will come as no surprise and will create no resistance…it will seem like the next logical step. Those who have cleared enough will experience this next-level transition as a simple vibrational and incremental bump-up, just like every other upgrade. And for those with limitations (fears) left to clear, you will be gifted with a heightened awareness of exactly what those limitations are, as well as a fool-proof way to move beyond them.

As always, what is important to know is that we already know it all.

Peace out,

Thursday 27 January 2011


By My Attention to Things, I Am Making Choices... What people do not understand is that you do not choose something by looking at it and shouting "Yes, I would like some of that!" You make your choices by your attention to things. In this Universe that is based on attraction, when you look at an unwanted thing, your attention to it causes an activation of the Vibration within you, and then the Law of Attraction brings more like it into your experience.
--- Abraham

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Spiritual hunger..

You hunger for the riches of this world,
but where is your spiritual hunger?
Your belly might be full, you might be the owner of
a big fat bank balance, you might be at the height of a powerful career,
but all those achievements and acquisitions
are transient pleasures and could be gone tomorrow.
What will you be left with, if such a situation is to occur?
If, however, you have satisfied your hunger for God/dess (Source)
you will be filled with love, peace and contentment and no matter
what your outward circumstances may be, you will be truly rich.

Elisabeth Constantine

Thursday 6 January 2011

January offer..

JANUARY ONLY - have a natal chart reading and receive your solar return reading for free! (a chart covering your year from birthday to birthday)..