Monday 1 November 2010

Personal Vortex..

Even though this Vortex that we speak of cannot be found on physical maps and is not indicated by physical signposts, it is a reality that exists just the same. It is your Vibrational Reality, and you can tell when you enter your Vortex by the way you feel. You can tell by the way you feel when you exit your Vortex. In fact, your personal, precise Emotional Guidance System is the only effective road map or signpost to your Vortex.
All cooperative components to the furthermost expanded version of you have been gathered by the Law of Attraction and are held in timeless, spaceless ever readiness, for your access and utilization in your Vortex of Creation. But, if you are to become a cooperative component to your own Vortex and to all of the wonderful things that have been gathered there, you must be a Vibrational Match to your Vortex. In other words, you too must have a high frequency, and you too must be without resistance.
--- Abraham

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